Semimasca reutilizabila 3M™ utilizeaza un material avansat din silicon pentru a asigura o protectie respiratorie confortabila si durabila.
For a reusable respirator that’s comfortable to wear, use 3M™ Reusable Half Face Mask 7500 Series. The facepiece has a soft sealing surface that’s been specially designed with the end-user in mind. Our 7500 Series features the 3M™ Cool Flow™ Valve to reduce heat build-up by allowing warm, exhaled air to escape. And with low breathing resistance, they’re comfortable to wear and work in for many hours at a time. The unique head harness fits well with our hardhats and hearing protection, and the optional drop-down strap design provides stability and ease of use. A twin-filter design means the weight is evenly distributed with minimal obstruction to your field of vision. They protect against gases, vapours and particulates, and the bayonet-style connection fits to a broad range of twin lightweight filters which can be equipped to your individual needs. The Reusable Half Face Mask 7500 Series can be used with 3M™ Supplied Air Systems for your increased convenience and flexibility, and connects with all 3M™ 2000, 5000 and 6000 Series filters (except 3M™ 6098 or 6099). They’re available in three sizes; small, medium and large. The 7500 Series has a specially-designed range of spares and accessories to help you maintain the right level of comfort and protection when parts become worn or damaged.
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